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Walter Rauschenbush and          Dwight L. Moody


How the Industrial Revolution affected Christians- The people were drawn farther away from the church because they were now living in growing towns and cities. A detachment from God and prayer was happening ("What was" "Chambers").


Reforms proposed in order to address this problem- Walter Rauschenbush proposed the Social Gospel, the Municipal reform, and social reforms in order to make the world a better place. 

Dwight L. Moody emphasised that scripture and the premillennial second coming ("Walter Rauschenbush" "Rushton").


Approaches took by Rauschenbush and Moody- Rauschenbush helped start the social gospel which put his beliefs to work. He was concerned with child labour, working issues, and minimum wage legislation. He also thought that it was best if the people solved these issues through Christian theology ("Walter Rauschenbush" "Rushton").


Moody thought that the only way to spread God's will effectively is by gathering people and preaching to them. He went to poor neighbourhoods in Chicago and preach to the people that wanted to listen. He realised that the people needed God more than anything else and became involved with the YMCA ("Walter Rauschenbush" "Rushton").


Arguments that Moody and Rauschenbush used to justify their position- Rauschenbush wanted the government to regulate industries that were deemed important enough to have a regulated system. He lived in "Hell's Kitchen" New York for quite some time, where he served as a pastor for German immigrants. He also believed the way to peace was through the "Social Gospel" reform ("Walter Rauschenbush" "Rushton").


Moody said that it was his calling to spread God's word. He thought that one of the greatest problems of the time period was a lack of piety and knowledge of God. He was against the new movements of the time period, such as the "Social Reform" movement, and hated ideas such as evolution ("Walter Rauschenbush" "Rushton").


Reforms that were adopted- 

  • The Social Gospel ("Walter Rauschenbush" "Rushton").

  • Change in people's thoughts about social issues like child labour and work conditions ("Walter Rauschenbush" "Rushton").

  • Brought Christ's word to people that needed it the most ("Walter Rauschenbush" "Rushton").


One law that impacted Christian's- The Social Gospel- Made Christianity more relevant and brought people back to God ("Walter Rauschenbush" "Rushton").


Were Moody and Rauschenbush successful in addressing these problems of the Industrial Revolution-

Moody and Rauschenbush were successful because they brought people back to Christianity and made people pay more attention to God and not themselves ("Walter Rauschenbush" "Rushton















                         Dwight L Moody                                                            Walter Rauschenbusch













                                                                         Moody Preaching












  • Rushton, Ray. "Walter Rauschenbusch and Dwight L. Moody |"Walter Rauschenbusch and Dwight L. Moody. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

  • Chambers, Marrk. "What Was the Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Religion?I Need Information on Religion during the Industrial... - Homework Help -", n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

  • "People & Ideas: Walter Rauschenbusch." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

  • "NTEB: The Amazing, True Story Of D.L. Moody." NTEB: The Amazing, True Story Of D.L. Moody. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

  • "D.L. Moody Online Sermons." D.L. Moody Online Sermons. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.







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